The Beinn a' Ghlò Loop is an awesome 55k loop that circumnavigates the Beinn a' Ghlò range of munros. A great day or half day ride - or a very relaxed overnighter if you are happy to lug your fully laden bike up a few 100 meters of steep single track!

It is mainly unpaved estate roads but also has a section of unavoidable hike-a-bike, some rougher landrover tracks and some fun single track. There's 1168m of climbing - mostly none technical.
I've always ridden this loop clockwise and on my mountain bike. So, can you ride it on a gravel bike? Yes you probably can. You'll still have to hike-a-bike in places and for me the right tracks and single track would be less enjoyable as I'd have to concentrate more! On my hardtail I can just ride and enjoy the views.
You can park at the Glen Tilt carpark - (although I parked at the Visitor Information carpark just after the bridge on the left if coming from the south - so my GPX is from there)
From there you had straight across the road and onto the estate road towards Croftmore & Forest Lodge. You climb for a while in woodland then come out into Glen Tilt.

Following the estate road up you finally come to a distinct point where the main track bares left uphill and you go straight onto a grass centred landrover track.

Follow this to the end then onto the single track that takes you down over the bridge at Falls of Tarf.

Continues for a while then the track splits down to the right to a river crossing. (if you continue straight at this point you will eventually come to Linn of Dee (after a few river crossings and some estate roads - look up The Outer Cairngorms Loop for more info on this route)

You now have a push up a hill. (just after the river crossing the track splits - take the left track sharp uphill with a few switchbacks) If you ride that section non stop then get video evidence and I will buy you a beer!!

Continue on this single track for a few km - you'll cross a few streams and go through a few gates. Eventually the track will bear left onto more open ungrazed grassland - and you will then go through a gate onto grazed grassland.
Follow straight on a faint path working your way gradually towards Fealar Lodge - a pink house and steading which is supposedly the most remote house in the UK due to the long driveway up from Straloch. Cyclists and walkers are directed to a small gate near the steam at the bottom right hand corner of the field as you approach the house. Go through here you then join their driveway and head down it for a good few undulating kms.

Eventually you will come to a cottage on the left - cross in front of the cottage and head up the glen the other side. This turns into a rough landrover track with a couple of nippy ascents.

Continue all the way to where the glen splits - you are heading left past some old ruins and over a small river and onto a rougher grassed landrover track. (if you head straight on at this point you come to Loch Loch. Yes really. They ran out of names I think) If I was to do this a relaxed two day I would bivvi around there. You've done 2/3rds of the distance by then but its a beautiful and remote spot.

Following this up you will come to a single track that bears left off the main track and traverses the left hand side of the glen. Enjoy this flowy undulating single track for a km or so, crossing a few small burns and boggy sections.

You will come to split in the track marked with a small cairn. Take the downhill right hand fork that heads towards the base of the Glen - eventually coming to a river crossing. Take care if the river is in spate (high).

There is a small sharp uphill track from there that joins you onto the main walkers path and estate track from Glen Tilt. Literally turn left and follow your nose.

The track turns into tarmaced road than takes you all the way back down to the carpark (Turn right at the T-Junction then take your next right turn - but if you miss these you'll simply end up back at Bridge of Tilt and have to cycle back up to the carpark!)
Let me know if what you think of the route and if need to update any info on here!